

Father Martin Flying High – well, not quite!

Father Martin was on holiday abroad for a few days recently. He was offered a place in the captain’s seat in the cockpit! Fortunately they were not in the air at the time, but parked on the edge of Birmingham airport while they were waited for the French air traffic controllers to sort themselves out

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St Mary's Catholic Church

Address: St Mary's Catholic Church Compton
ST13 5NH
United Kingdom

Phone Number: 01538 382385

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Weekly Mass Times

Day Type Time
Mon Mass 10:00 am
Tue Mass 10:00 am
Wed -
Thu Mass 10:00 am
Fri Mass at School (during term times)
Sat Confessions 10 - 10:30 am
Vigil Mass 6:00 pm
Sun Mass 10:00 am
Rosary and Benediction   4:00 pm

Particular Mass times may vary, so be sure to check out the What's On guide for updates.

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