St Mary’s is blessed with a devoted and active community, working together in worship, prayer, service and fellowship.
We invite you to join us and help continue to build the Kingdom of God in our community and beyond.
There are many ways you can join in. Mass and service times are listed in the What’s On guide, together with all other events at the church. Participating in one of our many groups is also a great way of sharing Christian fellowship and serving whilst getting to know other parishioners and those in the wider community.
For more information, please see the links on this page.
You can also contact the Parish Office by phone or use our Contact form.
The Wider Catholic Community
Our parish is part of the North Staffordshire Deanery within the Archdiocese of Birmingham. We have representation on the Area Pastoral Council, affording the opportunity to meet with Catholics throughout the Moorlands, North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.