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Vigil Mass Celebrated in Polish (Msza Sw.)

Event Details

Saturday evening Vigil Mass for Sunday celebrated in Polish.

Drodzy Parafianie, pragniemy was poinformowac, ze od 6 pazdziernika tego roku ( sobota ) Msza Sw., w jezyku polskim w naszej Parafii St.Mary’s w Leek bedzie odprawiana o godzinie 16:30.

Wszystkim Polakom w naszej Parafii zyczymy Bozej laski i zapewniamy o modlitwie.

Father Martin i Ks. Jacek.

Dear Parishioners, we wish to inform you that as of 6th October this year (Saturday) mass in Polish at St.Mary’s Leek will be celebrated at 4:30pm.

We wish all Polish Parishioners within our Parish God’s grace, and you remain in our prayers.

Fr. Martin and Fr. Jacek


(Priest visits from Fenton. For more information please telephone 01782 411195)